Formatting Contents
User Guide → Formatting ContentsMarkBind supports a wide collection of Markdown-like basic content formatting syntax such as text styling, tables, lists, images, links, etc.
You can prepend the heading text with 1-6 #
characters to indicate headings of levels 1-6.
MarkBind auto-generates anchors for all headings.
If the heading text is Foo Bar (Goo)
, the ID of the generated anchor will be foo-bar-goo
(all lower case, special characters omitted, joined by -
Alternative syntax, more info:
### Heading level 3
###### Heading level 6
Use one or more empty lines to separate paragraphs.
This is the first paragraph.
This is another paragraph. This is the second sentence.
This is the first paragraph.
This is another paragraph. This is the second sentence.
This is the first paragraph.
This is another paragraph. This is the second sentence.
The preferred way to indicate line breaks is to use a <br>
This is the second sentence.<br>
This should be on a new line.
This will not be in a new line.
This is the second sentence.
This should be on a new line.
This will not be in a new line.
Markdown text styles:
**Bold**, _Italic_, ___Bold and Italic___, `Inline Code`
Bold, Italic, Bold and Italic, Inline Code
Additional syntax from GFMD:
~~Strike through~~
Strike through
Syntax added by MarkBind:
****Super Bold****, !!Underline!!, ==Highlight==, %%Dim%%, ++Large++, --Small--, Super^script^, Sub~script~
Super Bold, Underline, Highlight, Dim, Large, Small, Superscript, Subscript
Alternative syntax:
**Bold**, _Italic_, ___Bold and Italic___, `Inline Code`
~~Strike through~~, ****Super Bold****, !!Underline!!, ==Highlight==, %%Dim%%, ++Large++, --Small--, Super^script^, Sub~script~
Bold, Italic, Bold and Italic, Inline Code
Strike through, Super Bold, Underline, Highlight, Dim, Large, Small, Superscript, Subscript
Normal text
> Blockquote, first paragraph
> Second paragraph
>> Nested quoteblock
Normal text
Blockquote, first paragraph
Second paragraph
Nested quoteblock
Alternatively, you can use <blockquote>
Normal text
Blockquote, first paragraph
Second paragraph
Nested blockquote
Normal text
Blockquote, first paragraphSecond paragraph
Nested blockquote
More info:
> Blockquote, first paragraph
> Second paragraph
>> Nested blockquote
Blockquote, first paragraph
Second paragraph
Nested blockquote
Unordered lists:
* Item 1
* Sub item 1.1
* Sub item 1.2<br>
Second line
* Sub item 1.2.1
* Item 2
* Item 3
Ordered lists:
1. Item 1
1. Sub item 1.1
1. Sub item 1.2
1. Item 2
1. Item 3
More info on above list types:
Task lists (from GFMD):
- [ ] Item 1
- [ ] Sub item 1.1
- [x] Sub item 1.2
- [x] Item 2
- [ ] Item 3
Radio-button lists:
- ( ) Item 1
- ( ) Item 2
- (x) Item 3
1. Item 1
1. Sub item 1.1
1. Sub item 1.2
* Item 2
* item 2.1
- [ ] Item 3
- [x] Item 4
- ( ) Item 5
MarkBind can present formatted code blocks, be it fenced or inline, with either light or dark themes. The default is dark.
Refer here for configuring MarkBind to use a specific theme for the code blocks.
MarkBind provides several features, some of which are added on top of the existing functionality of Markdown's fenced code blocks.
More info:
To enable syntax coloring, specify a language next to the backticks before the fenced code block.
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
Line numbers are . To enable line numbers for the entire site by default,
add "codeLineNumbers": true
to the site.json
// ...
"style": {
"bootstrapTheme": "bootswatch-cerulean",
"codeTheme": "light",
"codeLineNumbers": true // optional, false if omitted
// code below omitted for brevity
For each code block, you may also use the line-numbers
or no-line-numbers
classes to override the site-wide setting as such:
```xml {.line-numbers}
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
```xml {.no-line-numbers}
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
You can have your line numbers start with a value other than 1
with the start-from
```js {start-from=6}
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
You can add the highlight-lines
attribute to add highlighting to your code block. Refer to the example code block
below for a visual demonstration of all the possible ways of highlighting a code block.
```java {.line-numbers highlight-lines="1[:],3['Inventory'],4['It\'s designed'],5,6[8:18],8[0::2],12[:]-14,16-18,20[12:]-22,24[1::]-26"}
import java.util.List;
// Inventory is a class that stores inventory items in a list.
// It's designed as a thin wrapper on the List interface.
public class Inventory {
private List<Item> items;
public int getItemCount(){
return items.size();
public bool isEmpty() {
return items.isEmpty();
public Item getItem(idx: int) {
return items.get(idx);
public void addItem(item: Item) {
return items.add(item);
public void removeItem(item: Item) {
return items.remove(item);
import java.util.List;
// Inventory is a class that stores inventory items in a list.
// It's designed as a thin wrapper on the List interface.
public class Inventory {
private List<Item> items;
public int getItemCount(){
return items.size();
public bool isEmpty() {
return items.isEmpty();
public Item getItem(idx: int) {
return items.get(idx);
public void addItem(item: Item) {
return items.add(item);
public void removeItem(item: Item) {
return items.remove(item);
The value of highlight-lines
is composed of highlight rules, separated by commas.
These rules dictate where and how MarkBind should highlight your code block.
You can specify the highlight rules in many different ways, each is detailed as follows:
Type | Format | Example |
Full text highlight Highlights the entirety of the text portion of the line | The line numbers as-is (subject to the starting line number set in start-from ). | 3 , 5 |
Substring highlight Highlights all occurrences of a substring in the line | lineNumber[part] Limitations: part must be wrapped in quotes. If part contains a quote, escape it with a backslash (\ ). | 3['Inventory'] ,4['It\'s designed'] |
Character-bounded highlight Highlights a specific range of characters in the line | lineNumber[start:end] , highlights from character position start up to (but not including) end .Character positions start from 0 as the first non-whitespace character, upwards.Omit either start /end to highlight from the start / up to the end, respectively. | 19[1:5] ,30[10:] ,35[:20] |
Word-bounded highlight Highlights a specific range of words in the line | lineNumber[start::end] , highlights from word position start up to (but not including) end .Word positions start from 0 as the first word (sequence of non-whitespace characters), upwards.Omit either start /end to highlight from the start / up to the end, respectively. | 5[2::4] ,9[1::] ,11[::5] |
Full line highlight Highlights the entirety of the line | lineNumber[:] | 7[:] |
Not only a single line, MarkBind is also capable of highlighting ranges of lines in various ways. In general, the syntax
for range highlighting consists of two single line highlight rules as listed above joined by a dash (-
Type | Format | Example |
Ranged full text highlight Highlights from the first non-whitespace character to the last non-whitespace character | lineStart-lineEnd | 2-4 |
Ranged full line highlight Like ranged full text highlight, but highlights the entirety of the lines | lineStart[:]-lineEnd or lineStart-lineEnd[:] | 1[:]-5 ,10-12[:] |
Ranged character-bounded highlight Highlights the text portion of the lines within the range, but starts/ends at an arbitrary character | lineStart[start:]-lineEnd or lineStart-lineEnd[:end] | 3[2:]-7 , 4-9[:17] |
Ranged word-bounded highlight Like ranged character-bounded highlight, but starts/ends at an arbitrary word | lineStart[start::]-lineEnd or lineStart-lineEnd[::end] | 16[1::]-20 ,22-24[::3] |
To add a heading, add the attribute heading
with the heading text as the value, as shown below.
```xml {heading="Heading title"}
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
Headings support inline Markdown, except for Inline Code
and Dim text styles.
```{heading="**Bold**, _Italic_, ___Bold and Italic___, ~~Strike through~~, ****Super Bold****, !!Underline!!, ==Highlight==, :+1: :exclamation: :x: :construction:<br>We support page breaks"}
You can also use multiple features together, as shown below.
```xml {highlight-lines="2" heading="Heading title"}
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
A copy button can be added to code blocks using the codeBlockCopyButtons
A wrap text button can be added to code blocks using the codeBlockWrapButtons
MarkBind can apply syntax-coloring on inline code too.
Consider the xml code `<bar type="name">goo</bar>`{.xml},<br>
or the java code `public static void main(String[] args)`{.java}.
Consider the xml code <bar type="name">goo</bar>
or the java code public static void main(String[] args)
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
`<bar type="name">goo</bar>`{.xml}
<bar type="name">goo</bar>
Syntax coloring for inline code: <bar type="name">goo</bar>
Use three or more asterisks (***
), dashes (---
), or underscores (___
) to indicate a horizontal line.
Add additional classes to modify the style, thickness, and color of a horizontal line.
Available style classes:
--- {.dotted}
--- {.dashed}
--- {.double}
Available size classes:
--- {.thick}
--- {.thick-1}
--- {.thick-2}
--- {.thick-3}
Available color classes (use any of the available BootStrap border color classes):
--- {.border-primary}
--- {.border-secondary}
--- {.border-danger}
--- {.border-info}
--- {.border-success}
Add a comibnation of the above classes to further customize the style of a horizontal line.
--- {.dashed .thick-3}
--- {.double .border-secondary}
--- {.dotted .thick-1 .border-primary}
Basic style:
Reference style links (i.e., specify the URL in a separate place):
More info:
A or an email address in plain text will be auto converted into clickable links.
**These will be converted:**
**These will not be converted:**
**Tricks to prevent autolink:**
These will be converted:
These will not be converted:
Tricks to prevent autolink:
Links to files of the generated site (e.g., an HTML page or an image file) can be specified either as relative paths or absolute paths.
Auto-conversion of extension
You may link to markdown files using its original extension (.md) as it will automatically be converted to a html extension (.html) when the site is generated.
Example Click [here](
--- auto-conversion ---> Click [here](index.html)
If you wish to disable the auto-conversion, you may use the no-convert
attribute in your link.
Example Click [here]({no-convert}
Absolute paths
Links should start with {{ baseUrl }}
(which represents the root directory of the site).
Example Here's how to specify a link to (1) a page, and (2) an image, using the {{ baseUrl }}
Click [here]({{ baseUrl }}/userGuide/reusingContents.html).

To ensure that links in the _markbind/
folder work correctly across the entire site, they should be written as absolute paths, prepended with {{ baseUrl }}
Relative paths
Example Assuming that we have the following folder structure:
Within textbook/
, we can refer to the image using:
<img src="image.png" />
<!-- or -->

, we can also display the image using
<img src="textbook/image.png" />
<!-- or -->

Relative links to resources (e.g. images, hrefs) should be valid relative to the file where the link is defined.
In the example above, image.png
is in the same directory as
. Thus, the correct path is image.png
and not textbook/image.png
Link validation
Links will be validated when generating a site and a warning will be displayed in the console for every link that is invalid.
Disabling link validation
Link validation is enabled by default.
If you wish to only disable validation for a specific link, you may use the no-validation
Example Click [here]({no-validation}
However, if you wish to disable this feature entirely, you may simply modify your site.json
like this .
MarkBind home is at [here](
MarkBind home is at [here][1].
MarkBind home is at here.
**Normal footnotes:**
Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote]
[^1]: Here is the footnote. Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page.
[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks.
Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they
belong to the previous footnote.
**Inline footnotes:**
Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to write, since
you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the
Normal footnotes won't work when used inside the attributes of markbind components!
For example, it won't work in the header
attribute of panels.
**Normal footnotes:**
Here is a footnote reference,[^1] and another.[^longnote]
[^1]: Here is the footnote. Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page.
[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks.
Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they
belong to the previous footnote.

MarkBind also supports the =Wx
shorthand for specifying image width:
This image has a width of 100px: 
MarkBind does not support setting the height of images through the =WxH
or =xH
syntax. This is because images are automatically resized to ensure responsiveness based on their width.
Most markdown syntax above this section supports adding classes, attributes and identifiers using pandoc syntax without the need for a wrapper html element.
The syntax is {.class-name attribute="value" attribute=value #id}
, which is placed at different locations depending
on the type of markdown.
Apply classes, attributes, identifiers to block level markdown (eg. paragraphs, headings)
by leaving a space before '{' {.text-success #attribute-example}
#### heading {.text-info}
--- {.border-danger}
Apply the same to inline markdown (eg. bold text) by
omitting the **space**{.text-primary .bg-light header="attributes example"}
<!-- Use inspect element on the **space** word below to see the "header" attribute! -->
Some other types of markdown have different placements of the curly group {...}
Unordered and Ordered lists
* Apply to the list item itself like so {.text-success #list-item-id}
* Curly groups after newlines apply to the closest nested list {.text-danger}
* Curly groups two lines after the last line apply to the top most list
Fenced code blocks
Refer to the above section!
For a more detailed guide, see:
add a space before '{' for block level markdown {.class-name attribute="value" attribute=value #id}
don't add a space for **inline**{.text-danger} markdown
For a more detailed guide, see:
Animal | Trainable?| Price | Remarks
:----- | :-------: | ----: | ----
Ants | no | 5 |
Bees | no | 20 |
Animal | Trainable? | Price | Remarks |
Ants | no | 5 | |
Bees | no | 20 | |
Cats | yes | 100 |
) in the 2nd line are optional and they indicates whether to left/center/right-align the values in that column.More info:
Animal | Trainable?| Price | Remarks
:----- | :-------: | ----: | ----
Ants | no | 5 |
Bees | no | 20 |
Animal | Trainable? | Price | Remarks |
Ants | no | 5 | |
Bees | no | 20 | |
Cats | yes | 100 |
:+1: :exclamation: :x: :construction:
👍 ❗️ ❌ 🚧
:+1: :exclamation: :x: :construction:
👍 ❗️ ❌ 🚧
Acknowledgement: Font Awesome icons are provided by Font Awesome under their free license, Glyphicons are provided by Glyphicons via Bootstrap 3, Octicons are copyright of GitHub, and Material icons are provided by Google Fonts via material-icons
by Ravindra Marella under the Apache license 2.0.
MarkBind supports using Font Icons provided by Font Awesome, Glyphicons and GitHub's Octicons.
The advantage of font icons over emojis is font icons can be styled to fit your needs. e.g.,
The syntax for icons has changed, and the earlier {{ prefix_name }}
syntax has been deprecated.
Please use the new :prefix-name:
syntax instead.
Decide which icon you want to use from the list of available icons.
Construct the MarkBind name for the selected icon by adding the type prefix. Note: Font Awesome has three different styles for their icons, each with their own type prefix. Here is an example from each type:
) e.g., (actual name file-code
, MarkBind name fas-file-code
) e.g., (actual name file-code
, MarkBind name far-file-code
): e.g., (actual name github-alt
, MarkBind name fab-github-alt
)Insert MarkBind name for the icon enclosed within colons to get the icon in your page.
Create a **branch**
:fas-code-branch: now!
→ Create a branch now!
Move to the right!
→ Move to the right! :glyphicon-hand-right:
Merge a **pull request** :octicon-git-pull-request:
→ Merge a pull request ~class-name
to the end of the octicon name to add class="class-name"
property to your Octicon (e.g. :octicon-git-pull-request~icon-large-red:
will generate an Octicon of class icon-large-red). You may then add corresponding CSS to {root}/_markbind/layouts/{layout-name}/styles.css
to customize the style of your Octicon.:octiconlight-*:
to render the icon as white.Decide which icon you want to use from list of available icons.
Construct the MarkBind name for the selected icon by writing the icon name in lowercase letters only, replacing any spaces between the words in the name with dashes (-
), then adding the type prefix.
Note: Google has five different styles for their Material icons, each with their own type prefix. Here is an example from each type:
) e.g. (actual name Perm Media
, MarkBind name mif-perm-media
) e.g., (actual name Perm Media
, MarkBind name mio-perm-media
): e.g., (actual name Perm Media
, MarkBind name mir-perm-media
): e.g., (actual name Perm Media
, MarkBind name mis-perm-media
): e.g., (actual name Perm Media
, MarkBind name mit-perm-media
)Insert the name for the icon enclosed within colons to get the icon in your page.
Download from Cloud :mio-cloud-download:
→ Download from Cloud
There are easy ways to embed media content such as YouTube videos and PowerPoint slides.
Here are three ways of embedding YouTube videos and one example of how it will look in the page.
More media blocks, embedding services and additional options can be found in Markdown-it documentation.
Here is an example of embedding a PowerPoint slide deck:
Embedded YouTube video:
Embedded slide deck:
MarkBind supports date formatting and simple calculations as a Nunjucks filter.
Syntax: {{ baseDate | date(format, daysToAdd) }}
The baseDate follows the format: YYYY-MM-DD
The default output format is "ddd D MMM"
e.g. Fri 6 Mar
{% set base1 = "2020-01-01" %}
{% set format1 = "DD MM YYYY" %}
{% set format2 = "ddd Do MMM (DD/MM/YYYY)" %}
{{ base1 | date(format1) }}
01 01 2020
{{ base1 | date(format2, 0) }}
Wed 1st Jan (01/01/2020)
{{ base1 | date(format2, 10) }}
Sat 11th Jan (11/01/2020)
Dates can be supplied using page variables for convenience.
or referencing page:
{% set date_pagevar = "2020-03-06" %}
{{ date_pagevar | date(format2) }}
Fri 6th Mar (06/03/2020)
The output date can be formatted to suit your needs by specifying a format string as an argument to the date filter.
Default format: "ddd D MMM"
e.g. Fri 6 Mar
Full formatting reference available here.
MarkBind supports typesetting TeX math equations. KaTeX is used as a fast math renderer.
Insert inline equations by enclosing them in round brackets \( ... \)
Insert display equations by enclosing them in square brackets \[ ... \]
Insert numbered display equations by enclosing the equation in square brackets and the equation number in round brackets \[ ... \] (1)
Solve the following simultaneous equations:
\[ 3x + y = 11 \] (1)
\[\frac{2x}{3} + \frac{2y}{3} = 8\] (2)
Euler's equation \( e^{i\pi}+1=0 \) is a beautiful equation.
Solve the following simultaneous equations:
Euler's equation
If you would like to use as the delimiter, you will need to enable the texWithDollars plugin.
The above will be rendered as:
If your equation requires special Nunjucks tags like {{
or }}
,use a
raw-endraw block:
{% raw %}\(e^{{\frac{1}{3}} + 1}\){% endraw %}
More info on allowed symbols:
Solve the following simultaneous equations:
\[ 3x + y = 11 \] (1)
\[\frac{2x}{3} + \frac{2y}{3} = 8\] (2)
Euler's equation \( e^{i\pi}+1=0 \) is a beautiful equation.
Solve the following simultaneous equations:
Euler's equation
Here is the footnote. Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page.
Here's one with multiple blocks.
Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote.
Inlines notes are easier to write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the note.